Even and odd numbers are two of the most important topics in basic arithmetic. All real numbers can be classified into even numbers and odd numbers. Even number is a number that can be evenly divided into two parts or can be exactly divided by 2. For example: I have to shed almost 12 kg post pregnancy weight . Here, 12 is an even number. On the other hand, odd number is a number that cannot be evenly divided into two parts or cannot be exactly divided by 2. For example: I have already shed 7 kg post pregnancy weight . Here, 7 is an odd number. There are some trend that can be seen while multiplying even and odd numbers. Let’s have a look at the multiplication rules for even and odd numbers in this post.
Multiplying Even Numbers
When two even numbers are multiplied, the result is always an even number. The formula is Even * Even = Even. For example: I need to list 6 different hobbies for kids for 2 magazines. 6 hobbies for kids * 2 magazines = 12. The result is an even number.
When an even number is multiplied by an odd number, the result is always even. The formula is Even * Odd = Even. For example: I have to survey minimum of 10 baby care center across 5 cities. 10 baby care center * 6 cities = 60. The result is an even number
Multiplying Odd Numbers
When two odd numbers are multiplied, the result is always an odd number. The formula is Odd * Odd = Odd. For example: I have to buy 7 play toys for 7 kids. 7 * 7 = 49. The result is an odd number.
When an odd number is multiplied by an even number, the result is always even. The formula is Odd * Even = Even. For example: She has to buy 7 dresses for 4 kids. 7 * 4 = 32. The result is an even number.
These are the multiplication rules for even and odd numbers.
Multiplying Even Numbers
When two even numbers are multiplied, the result is always an even number. The formula is Even * Even = Even. For example: I need to list 6 different hobbies for kids for 2 magazines. 6 hobbies for kids * 2 magazines = 12. The result is an even number.
When an even number is multiplied by an odd number, the result is always even. The formula is Even * Odd = Even. For example: I have to survey minimum of 10 baby care center across 5 cities. 10 baby care center * 6 cities = 60. The result is an even number
Multiplying Odd Numbers
When two odd numbers are multiplied, the result is always an odd number. The formula is Odd * Odd = Odd. For example: I have to buy 7 play toys for 7 kids. 7 * 7 = 49. The result is an odd number.
When an odd number is multiplied by an even number, the result is always even. The formula is Odd * Even = Even. For example: She has to buy 7 dresses for 4 kids. 7 * 4 = 32. The result is an even number.
These are the multiplication rules for even and odd numbers.