Friday, September 3

algebra test questions

Let us solve algebra problems which helps you to solve algebra test questions

Solve the expression: 4x + 1y + 13z + 6x - 6y +2z
4x + 1y + 13z + 6x - 6y +2z
Add the like terms
(4 + 6) x + (1 - 6) y + (13 + 2)z
Simplify the expression
10 x - 5y + 15z
So, the solution is 10 x - 5y + 15z.
Simplify the equation: 8a + 15 = 5a – 3
8a + 15 = 5a – 3
Subtract 15 on both sides of the equation
8a + 15 - 15 = 5a – 3 – 15
8a = 5a – 18
Subtract 5a on both sides of the equation
8a – 5a = 5a – 18 – 5a
3a = -18
Divide by 3 both sides of the equation = 3a/3 = -18/3
a = -6.
So, the simplified solution is -6.
In our next blog we shall learn about reproductive system test I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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