Monday, December 10

Tenses – Past, Present and Future

Tense is one of the most important concepts in English Grammar learning. Tense in English grammar is a category that refers to a situation in time. This concept of time is classified into three types of tenses, namely: Present Tense, Past Tense and Future Tense. Let’s have a look at each of the type of tenses.
Present Tense:
Present tense is a type of tense that refers to the current time. In simple terms, the tense that is a verb referring to the action or expression of present is called present tense. For example:
She is listing down return gift ideas for the party. (Here, it is present tense because ‘she’ is listing down the return gift ideas in the present time.)
Sana is exploring the online infant shopping India collection. (Here, it is present tense because ‘Sana’ is exploring the online infant shopping India collection in the present time.
I am eating. (Here, ‘I’ am eating at the present time.)
Past Tense:
Past tense is a type of tense that is a verb referring to an action or expression in the past. For example:
Mary’s cousin bought nappy pads online sometimes back. (Here, the sentence is referring that Mary’s cousin has bought nappy pads online in the past.)
I had a heavy lunch this afternoon. (Here, it is past tense as the sentence is referring to the lunch happened in the past)
I was eating. (Here, I was eating at the past time.)
Future Tense:
Future tense is a type of tense that expresses actions or state something in future. For example:
India will be having many new online stores in the near future. (Here, the verb is referring to a situation in future.)
My niece will start going to school from next year. (Here, niece will go to school in future.)
I will eat. (Here, I will eat in future)
These are the three types of tenses in English Grammar.

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