Thursday, August 26

types of lines

Let us learn about types of lines

A line is defined as a one-dimensional figure. Which is, a line has length, but no height or width generally, a line is made up of an infinite number of points. Points in the same line are said to be as collinear. Between each point is another point. This continues on forever. We can never run out of points to discover in a line. Hence, when we are talking about points as dots, we can get something called a discrete line. A discrete line is a line made up of dots with space between the centers of the dots. A dense line is also a line that is the shortest path between 2 points. The coordinatized line or number line, is a line where every point is represented by a number & vice versa. The number line is a one-dimensional graph. A line is the collection of points, line is along a straight path & going to opposite direction, & also a line segment is part of a line, it’s having two end points. A ray also a part of line, 1 is endpoint and other side goes to one direction.

A line doesn’t have end point or starting point; imagine it is endless from both directions. A continuous extent of the length includes more than 2 points. We can put little arrows on both sides for understanding

Types of lines – Parallel line, Perpendicular line, Intersecting line are 3 types of line. straight-line, Transversal lines, Skew Lines, Concurrent lines, A line segment are other types of line.

In our next blog we shall learn about law of conservation of matter I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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